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I Groom Dogs Reverse Blade Techniques
HOW TO DO A REVERSE SHAVE ON A DOG - And why do we do it?
Clipping in reverse or against the direction of the hair growth.
Creating an Easy Pet Trim Using a Reverse Blade on a Drop-Coated Mixed Breed (FREE PREVIEW)
Helping you understand how to choose and use blending shears to groom dogs
Dog Grooming Reverse Shave | Plenty Repair
Dog Grooming Clipper Blades-Everything You Need to Know
Give Your Dog A Smooth Hair Cut 7 Blade Reverse
Reverse Shave down On Dog
Reverse clip on a spaniel cross | Full Groom | Dog Grooming
how to properly use a dog clipper to give your dog a haircut
Why Cut Dog Hair In Reverse?? EXPLAINED!